Tuesday, January 17, 2012

From My Soap Box

At Dana-Farber, they're injecting mice with hormones to reproduce the effects of exercise without actual exercise. "...as growing evidence implicates obesity and physical inactivity in cancer development, it’s conceivable irisin-based drugs may have value in prevention and treatment of the disease". So, they've spent countless research dollars and work hours to produce a treatment that simulates something that everyone could be doing for free. 

This is a band-aid solution. The issue is not that people don't get enough exercise, it's that they already have the tools with which to fix the problem, and due to laziness or ignorance, they do not utilize them. This will be a bail-out of human health and more importantly of human character.

The good news is, for those of us with the desire to see ourselves strong and healthy, there's John Welbourn (who I got the story from), Mark Sisson and hundreds of other fitness resources for those of us who don't want or need to half-ass our lives.

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